Turn free Wi-Fi hotspots into additional revenue flow

Catch visitors’ attention with mobile ads before they connect to your free Wi-Fi.

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Turn free Wi-Fi hotspots into additional revenue flow

Boost Revenue with Wi-Fi Advertizing

The hotspot advertising module turns your Wi-Fi network into an advertising platform. Show ads to users before they go online, increasing your revenue and attracting new customers.
Promo Videos
Easily display banner ads on the splash page to advertise businesses in various ways. Promotions, coupons for retail stores, discounts, invite guests, share additional information and many more.
Promo Videos
Promo Banners and Images
Grant a Wi-Fi access in return for watching promo videos. Set a minimum viewing time, after which users can skip the video and enjoy the Internet.
Promo Banners and Images
Step-by-step guide

How to show ads on the splash page

Watch this short video to find out how to easily display video and image advertisements on the Wi-Fi splash page with Powerlynx
Documentation guide here
Wi-Fi Advertisement
Ways to Monetize Free Wi-Fi Access with Ads
Sponsored Access
Showcase your sponsors on the splash page. Users see sponsor ads before connecting, creating a valuable advertising opportunity for businesses and a revenue stream for you.
Display Banner Ads
Charge sponsors fixed price per banner / location or based on impressions (CPM) providing a straightforward and effective monetization method.
Show Promo Videos
Engage users with short video ads before granting internet access. Charge advertisers per view (CPV) and set minimum viewing times to ensure user engagement.
Location-Based Ads
Display ads relevant to the user’s location. Local businesses can pay to promote their services, driving foot traffic and boosting sales through targeted advertising.
Exclusive Deals and Promotions
Partner with businesses to offer exclusive deals, discpints or specials to Wi-Fi users. This provides added value to users and a lucrative advertising space for businesses.
Email and SMS Marketing
Collect email addresses or phone numbers during the Wi-Fi login process. Sell advertising space in email newsletters or SMS campaigns, reaching a broad user base effectively.

Try Powerlynx today and get started for free!

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Effortless Setup
Configure everything and be operational within a single day.
Budget Friendly
Affordable pricing with no feature restrictions.
All features and integrations are included in the license fee, with no extra charges.